Site Designed and Managed by T. Randal Almarode
Stuarts Draft Diamond Club
P.O. Box 249
Stuarts Draft, VA. 24477
An Alcohol and Tobacco Free
38 Cambridge Ave. 
For the following teams

The Stuarts Draft Diamondbacks
Ridgeview Christian School
Grace Christian School
Fishburne Military School
VA Clubbers
Valley Baseball Club 18U

This page was last updated: March 5, 2025
Visitors Since 2/9/2024
2024 Team
Congratulations to the following Diamondbacks that made the RCBL East All-Star Team
INF - Grayson Bush, OF - Will Decker, P - Jacob Dunford, 
P - Colton Harris, P - Parker Heinemann, OF - Wyatt Raymond,
INF - Zach Roberts, Stuarts Draft (Injury)
Coaches - Les Sandridge

Roster      Schedule      History     Sponsors      
Action Photos     Directions     Board of Directors     Future Projects

Front Row - Daniel Jones, EvanAndrovett, Ryan Jones, Cody Bartley, Grayson Bush, Chaz Harvey, Caden Richter,Charlie Pausic, Jack Wingfield, Wyatt Wood, Trevor Vernon, Les Sandridge (Manager)

Back Row - Hollis Merica, Zack Roberts, Nate Wayne, Ryan Ferris, Trever Mitchell, Ezra Andres, Wyatt Raymond, Colton Harris, Peter Shifflett, Jacob Dunford, Job Harrell

Absent when picture was taken: Will Coleman, Calen Owens, Tommy Weaver, Will Hass, Chandis Goff,
Dell Ray Jones, Trever Mitchell, Devin Christopher, Malachi Paschal, Ryan Jones, Parker Heinemann, Will Decker,  Jackson Ingram, Holden Merone, Ezra Jones, Jacob Gabreel